Innovative Value Creation

If everyone is doing it, it is not valuable. When many people look to copy what others are doing, Trevor looks to where others have never gone.

Community Engagement

Growing and interacting with a community online is a full-proof way to grow your business and increase brand awareness.


How will people find you? Leveraging search engine optimization will allow you to rank in the top search results online.

Digital Marketing

Understanding current trends and new marketing techniques will give you a competitive edge.

Featured Projects

Constant Gamer Website

The Constant Gamer website is a one-stop-shop for all the latest gaming news, announcements, reviews, and more. We are not journalists writing about games. We are gamers sharing our love and expertise with you! 

Constant Gamer Youtube

The Constant Gamer YouTube channel is an inclusive gaming news and tutorial channel that has helped millions of Xbox users troubleshoot and fix gaming related issues.

Xbox Factor Podcast

The Xbox Factor Podcast is a weekly, Xbox centric show with originally written content.


"Trevor is also not afraid to try something new and reinvent the wheel, his willingness to venture into new and sometimes uncertain situations is inspiring. It is a strong reason why I am happy to have him apart of my team, I depend on him and he rarely fails to deliver."
Craig Ravitch
Host, Xbox Factor Podcast
"Trevor is an exceptional content creator who cares about his craft and the video game industry as a whole."
Paul Holden
Former Level Designer, Monster Egg Studios