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Reflection on Full Sail University Professional Writing Class

Whether you are writing to customers, emailing about a job offer, or trying to land new clients for your small business, professional writing plays a huge part in how your audience will view you. During my time at Full Sail University, I have taken several classes that have taught me invaluable skills needed to succeed. But professional writing might prove to be the most useful yet.

Understanding how tone and certain words affect my writing perception is one skill that will help me evoke the correct emotion for my audience. Another useful skill I have learned is writing in a business format to help the readability and provide proper expectations to my audience. These skills will help me in the short term while at Full Sail and the long term when working for a company.

Two assignments I believe I did a great job on were writing and responding to a negative message. I currently do this at my job now, and I feel like I had a solid foundation of the expectations. However, one area I need to hone and practice more is writing a professional proposal. I learned a lot about writing in business formatting and writing to solve a problem, but I still need additional practice to write proposals better.

A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.

-Richard Bach

All in all, this class has helped me improve as a writer. I can and will implement many of the skills and best practices I learned during this course in my current professional writing, including talking with fans on social media.

I am not a perfect writer and probably never will be, but this class has given me a better understanding of professional writing expectations. This knowledge will be something I continue to practice and use in the years to come.