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Reflection Post (coursework)

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Week 4 of my content strategy, development, and marketing class is now coming to a close. I will soon move on to a new course. But before I move to a new class, I need to reflect on this month’s coursework.

As I took this course, skills learned in previous classes and my prior experience in content creation came into use strongly. For example, before taking this course, I had already written many blog posts in other classes. This was the content type I selected for my brand this month and having prior experience with writing blogs helped immensely. Additionally, I feel that the many years of experience of creating content for my YouTube channel helped me understand many course concepts easier.

Screenshot of Trevor Burrows YouTube Channel, 2021.

Two areas I believe I have improved upon this month are understanding how a target market should affect both the content type and what social media to prioritize. Additionally, how to message social media posts to increase engagements was an area I have improved upon through my weekly readings.

After taking this course, I have a new appreciation of the importance great content has in digital marketing. The knowledge gained during this month will significantly impact how well I perform in the future as both a marketer and a content creator.

This blog was created as an assignment for my content strategy, development, and marketing online course at Full Sail University.